“Work and workplace of the future” (ERC event)


15 June 2023


Naples, Italy


Alessandro Gandini (PI), Alessandro Delfanti (University of Toronto), Anne-Marie Jeannet (University of Milan), Stephen Shapiro (University of Edinburgh)

Organized as part of the CRAFTWORK project, this panel – hosted as part of the Speculating at the end of times? AOIR Flashpoint Symposium, held in Naples on 15 June 2023, brings together a set of researchers to discuss the future of work, technology and (de)industrialization. The event precedes the related “Speculative Summer School”, organized by the University Federico II of Naples. Alessandro Gandini (PI) leads this discussion starting from the question of whether it is easier to imagine the end of the world than to imagine the end of capitalism. As the level of climate change, technological development as well as political and economic transformations gather speed, the future of work is under question. The discussion offered some practical insights on how social theory might help comprehending the possible direction of these changes.