“Craft and creative cultures” workshop, Milan


4 April 2023


Milan, Italy


Alessandro Gandini (PI), Angela McRobbie (Goldsmiths College and Loughborough University), Carolina Bandinelli (University of Warwick), Alberto Cossu (University of Leicester), Alessandro Gerosa (University of Birmingham), Adam Arvidsson (University Federico II - Naples), Suheyla Schroder (Berlin University of Applied Sciences), Maria Laura Toraldo (University of Milan)

Organized as part of the CRAFTWORK project, this workshop brings together a panel of influential scholars to discuss the relationship between new forms of craft work and the creative economy. The CRAFTWORK research team shares initial empirical findings from the digital methods and qualitative phase of the research, alongside other researchers presenting evidence coming from international research projects on craft and creative practices. Accompanied by the presentation of the book “Fashion as creative economy”, by Angela McRobbie, Carolina Bandinelli and Dan Strutt, the workshop concludes with a reflection on the rise of an industrious modernity, and the different work practices that inhabit this shift.